sexta-feira, 23 de agosto de 2013

When it was, left no words, just shut the door with bags in hands, looked up and took along my five months of delivery, my four years of uncertainty.
Said to be my angel, my friend, my link to the delirium of a sigh virgin.
In the end, it was my gall, my tears, my dreams, reality mercilessly.
For a time lost in me, in you, I sought the hieroglyphic lines more than they already knew every word deciphered so thirsty, only wanted to find the strength to find the keys that would free me from your domain.
For a while I accepted his tactics, dangerous games that hit one heart ... How can you be so cruel to someone so inexperienced? How many lies made ​​me believe, to just walk out the door without a trace of where it is?
I have no idea when he saw me as someone who could not live without you. My intuition says it will take to rediscover it, I hope she's wrong, I hope none of my efforts to forget, my tearing my soul with all his lies, his rivals and the statements were true nothing. You will never know how much I loved! Never know how much I suffered!
No, my weakness will not cover it security, even if present, since it hid such a treasure.
As the rain washes the streets in late August, so is my heart ... without memories, without us ...

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