terça-feira, 27 de agosto de 2013

My love is gone

Woke anguished ...
A sleepless night, my hopes faded as the sun goes down
The mind in a jumble.
Each link a heart aching unanswered. Absolute silence and nothingness. Just me and the gnawing emptiness that drop of hope.
You did not say yes or no, my heart retained in suias traps. Presumptuous! Never thinking that, after years, never lose my esteem.
Most days accompanied by a searing pain, nothing fit me that was not his image, our last encounter, approach, his forgetfulness. Once said that a relationship like ours is not finished without effort.
Recreated the girl, the teenager who dreamed of the prince, not enchanted, but that would make me want to just be, and be living beyond the tales, the real, the hard way of the heart.
Not only was I tried to win her, was myself.
He also said that seemed to have years when we still had one year and three months, such difficulty hearing she was in love. It was not so easy to forget that levianidade promises, story for attention, five years for 10 months. Regret
In their comparisons won, lost in the real world
It was always easy to say goodbye, why could not do it now?
Nobody ever told him how cruel is hurting a heart?
Always had open arms
The best for me was not enough
You did not recognize ...
Seeking escape me plunged headlong into all the feelings that for years hovered hope, hope my child.
Love turned into hate, hate turned into detachment
Who found pride, this is nothing more you can do, but to surrender to the Love
Reborn in more cloudy autumn day
Desabrochei in the spring breeze
Like the phoenix, tales of my childhood, I flew as high as he could

"Oh, Freedom! So take my soul crystal"
Without stories, laughter and smells, its smell.
Nothing left of us ... flying as fast as I can away from any sign yours.
Hide me in Sheol hoping to never find it ...
Finally I realize the only answer I had, before that I deciphered his silence: My angel is gone!
Hi, new start!
Welcome to life!


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